Dragone Cobra 200
Anul fabricaţiei 2022,
Număr: 300050539
AGRAVIS Technik BvL GmbH, DE - 48488 Emsbüren

13.495 €

Incl. TVA 19 %

11.340 € net

Dragone Cobra 200
Anul fabricaţiei 2022, 2.8 m,
Număr: BOR3035208
AGRAVIS Technik Münsterland-Ems GmbH, DE - 49593 Bersenbrück-Ahausen
This ad will be part of a soon coming auction.

4.641 €

Incl. TVA 19 %

3.900 € net


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+49 (0) 5935 9393-300